As the Crow Flies

03mins 16secs ambient track, stereo
Tom Allum and Matt Tondut
“We return to the forest for the latest in our twice-yearly nature-themed ambient music compilation series. For this, our ninth volume, 17 eminent ambient artists from around the world have contributed music to create a listening experience that is simultaneously mystical, meditative, atmospheric, and inspiring.
- Valley View Records
Tom Allum’s ambient work, “As The Crow Flies”, made in partnership with Matthew Tondut features field recordings captured near Maleny, QLD. This track is part of Tom’s ongoing sound design practice stemming from his work in the visual arts, documentary film production and audio production


released August 24, 2022 
Field recording & composition by Tom Allum 
Guitar by Matt Slocomb. 
Imagery by Spatial Co & Peter Hill.This project documents, maps and replays the soundscape of Canal Rocks near Margaret River.
The project was initiated in with Out of the Sea, an exhibition where isolated artists across Australia collaborated using a 3D point cloud scan of this natural place. Tom’s sound documents, maps and replays memories for those unable to physically experience it. Out in the wind, tangled in audio cables and bashed against rocks, the works attempted to capture the disparate emotion of the site - from swirling sheltered rock pools to the turmoil of the canal itself. 

​'7 point sound blast’ is somewhat the centrepiece of the recording, epic in length, but also in narrative. The piece is an experiment using sound to map and establish space between specific points in the physical landscape. Raw field recordings are made and then reworked to form tones. These tones are then blasted back into the environment at night to act as blind markers for the listener. The idea is borrowed from maritime navigation where sound blasts are used to help locate vessels in seas with poor visibility. The final product serves as a meditation, traversing the site from ocean bridge, to scrubland and an exposed rocky...  more
Recorded on Wardandi Boodja.